Desktop Publishing
Using Adobe InDesign, I made an event poster, business cards, social media ads, and a magazine spread.
Event Poster
A poster made for a fake event. I used Photoshop to extend the height of the photo to make room for the text using the clone stamp tool.

Personal Business Card
I wanted to keep the same minimalistic design for the card that's in the logo. To keep the back of the card balanced I added the dead fish icon but lowered the opacity so it wouldn't become overpowering.
Hair Salon Business Card
I wanted to keep the same minimalistic design for the card that's in the logo. To keep the back of the card balanced I added the same scissors from the logo. Even though the icon is smaller than the text, the accent color gives it more weight.

Pizza Plaza Business Card
I kept the same beige with red stripes design used throughout the branding design for this brand. I placed the stripes so when it's printed they match front to back to give it continuity.
Custom Painting Cards
The Custom Painting logo gave me the chance to experiment with using the icon as an integral part of the design. It also lets me experiment with different color schemes. This shows versatility with the design.

Steak House Business Card
I liked the off-white background that gives the card a warm feel. On the back of the card, I added my vertical logo to add balance.
Instagram Ad
For the branding of Pizza Plaza, I made a social media ad for each of the social media apps. I added funny quotes involving pizza to give that funny twist and make it more sharable. The sizing was made specifically for Instagram.

Facebook Ad
A continuation of the Pizza Plaza social media campaign. The sizing was made specifically for Facebook.

Twitter Ad
A continuation of the Pizza Plaza social media campaign. The sizing was made specifically for Twitter.

LinkedIn Ad
A continuation of the Pizza Plaza social media campaign. The sizing was made specifically for LinkedIn.
The Beach Times Magazine
I made this magazine based on a beach theme. I made the title of the magazine a warm light yellow to match the beach theme and cover photo. All filler photos, aside from the ads, are beach-related to add cohesiveness. For the ads, I used warm photos to match the theme. For the front and back cover, I used similar photos and matched the back cover to the front. I also made the table of contents and masthead photos similar.