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Create Change:
Top 10 



This video was made using After Effects to create the animations and Premiere Pro to put it all together. Adobe Create Change is an organization within Adobe dedicated to creating positive change within the business and world as evident in the name. They wanted a video to showcase their top 10 volunteers in their Lehi site.

The True History
of the World


Coelsun Andrews

Partner's Socials

  • Instagram

This video was made with my friend Coelsun Andrews. We retold the history of the world as if all of human history has been controlled by two cults, one worshipping Pizza (the Discmen) and one worshipping Hotdogs (the Frankenfurters), who have been bitter rivals. Coelsun told the story from the Frankenfurters perspective and I told it from the Discmens perspective. Made using Adobe Premier Pro and After Effects.

On The Edge: Grove Creek Canyon

Video edited for On the Edge Adventures. Edited using Adobe Premiere Pro.


Jake Andregg

On The Edge: Moab

Video edited for On the Edge Adventures. Edited using Adobe Premiere Pro.


Jake Andregg

Nerf Battle

Personal project made with my brother. Edited using Adobe Premiere Pro.

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